Wednesday, October 27

Not Forgotten

I can hardly believe how long it's been since I've posted here. It takes my breath away to see it. But I wanted to say this time my big gap has not been about falling away from my task, not about flagging interest in my goals. Instead, this time my blog has been with me, an ongoing desire nestled just beneath all my other daily tasks and requirements I've let take precedence. Of late, I've taken much-needed weekends off, too, thinking I might get to this, but long-neglected chores have snagged my time instead, or the sheer indulgence and restoration of long days and nights of reading, napping, reacquainting myself with my celery-colored bike.

But woven into my days, reeds in a basket, are contemplated posts I think of writing. Some of my ideas have even slipped away from me with so much time passing, so I will trust new ones to spring up in their place. I have been casting my thoughts out like a net, trawling for new things to bring here. I feel these pages calling me, and I trust I'll return here in earnest one day soon. It is not like my last big lapse, not gone from me, not forgotten. Instead, I feel like I'm waiting to return.