Friday, March 26

Catching the Wind

It really did take the wind out of my sails to discover so many other people had already taken up almost this exact endeavor though not necessarily at 52, how many have already been recording it online—but I’ve moved past my initial letdown and am now embracing the idea with a whole heart. First I had to remind myself it was indeed original thought. I wasn’t copying anyone, didn’t know yet it wasn’t new. ;-)

But then, too, I returned to the act itself, to how well it fits for me, on how many levels it seems designed to feed me. I will step away from work more often, venture out, explore the world around me on a regular basis. I will come out of myself more, engage more. I’ll go public with my writing in a way I have not yet dared. I’ll hone commitment, seek adventure, expand. And so I start now. I ask for blessings and protection. I thank the powers that be for both in this private and this public endeavor. And I thank you for stopping by to read my words. Here’s to 52 at 52. May the fun begin.